Purchase and Renovation Loan Calculator

This calculator is provided to give you an estimate of what you may be able to borrow. The amount is indicative only and is based upon your inputs of earnings, etc. All indicative monthly repayment amounts are for the loan amount only and exclusive of Mortgage Protection Insurance (MPI) which is a requirement of borrowing. 

To determine your maximum borrowing capacity please go to Home Loan Calculator | Local Authority Home Loan. This figure should be inserted in the field “Max LAHL available” below

Project Assessment

The maximum VPRG available is: €70,000 for a derelict property, and €50,000 for a vacant property. Please see here for information related to minor and major renovations.

The maximum Local Authority Home Loan available to you can be calculated here

Property for Renovation

Maximum Property Value Permitted:


Total Project Cost:


Summary of Results

What This Means For You

Based on the information you have provided:

Total Project Cost (including deposit):

Funding From Loans

Annuity Loan:


Bridging Loan:


Total Loan:

Own Funding

Minimum Deposit Required:


Own Funding Required in excess of minimum deposit:


Total Own Funding Required (including deposit):


The maximum LAPR available to you, based on your financial capacity and the project details provided, is: €0

You will need to meet the remaining cost of the project, including the deposit, in the sum of: €0